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  Subject Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date  
1 Designing a Fulfilling Home - From the Inside Out Frederick C. Gibson, Architect gibsonf1 Sun  11/25/2001  
2 Welcome Frederick C. Gibson, Architect gibsonf1 Sun  11/25/2001  
3 Repost: Building vs. Architecture : Art and Theme (9/27/1998) Frederick C. Gibson, Architect gibsonf1 Sun  11/25/2001  
4 Repost: Scale vs. Proportion (6/14/1997) Frederick C. Gibson, Architect gibsonf1 Tue  11/27/2001  
5 Repost: Construction Details (11/12/1997) Frederick C. Gibson, Architect gibsonf1 Tue  11/27/2001  
6 Repost: Taliesin: The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture (9/2 Frederick C. Gibson, Architect gibsonf1 Tue  11/27/2001  
7 Repost: Landscape (17 Aug 1997) Frederick C. Gibson, Architect gibsonf1 Tue  11/27/2001  
8 Repost: Furnishings (17 Aug 1997) Frederick C. Gibson, Architect gibsonf1 Tue  11/27/2001  
9 Repost: How you work with a client? (11 Aug 1997) Frederick C. Gibson, Architect gibsonf1 Tue  11/27/2001  
10 Repost: Form, Function and Integration (11/16/1998) Frederick C. Gibson, Architect gibsonf1 Tue  11/27/2001  
11 Re: Repost: Form, Function and Integration (11/16/1998) Frederick C. Gibson, Architect gibsonf1 Tue  11/27/2001  
12 Arched Webring rigrosser   Wed  12/26/2001  
13 school project megbethke05   Wed  6/5/2002  
14 Hi hassan mohamed hassanmoh2001 Thu  7/11/2002  
15 Frank Lloyd Wright bsurkan   Sat  8/3/2002  
16 (no subject) Webmaster@M... objectivistforum Sat  8/3/2002  
17 Re: Frank Lloyd Wright Frederick C. Gibson, Architect gibsonf1 Mon  8/26/2002  
18 Hello Dyah Fatma d_fatma Wed  9/11/2002  
19 World Trade Center... Kazoo <bsurkan@y...>   Sun  3/2/2003  
20 Who is Howard Roark? bigcd33 bigcd33 Sun  10/26/2003  
21 Granite Counter Tops - The OG Edge Erik   Tue  2/17/2004  
22 3D Visualization Architecture Online leann_lee2002   Sat  3/6/2004  
23 need help for a quick Q!! archnewbie303   Mon  5/3/2004  
24 Stucco veneer/panels abramson1995   Mon  5/3/2004  
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